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  • Virtual SPONSORSHIP (2020 GATESOL Conference)

Virtual SPONSORSHIP (2020 GATESOL Conference)

  • 10/29/2020
  • 7:00 AM
  • 10/30/2020
  • 5:00 PM
  • N/A


  • Your logo will appear on the conference web page and as a FEATURED BANNER AD in the Conference Program. Attendees will be taken to your website when clicking on the logo.

Registration is closed

Georgia Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 

39th Annual GATESOL Conference

Foundations for Achievement: Integrating Research, Evidence, and Practice

October 29-30, 2020

Virtual Conference   

Thank you for completing the SPONSORSHIP registration for the Georgia Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual Conference!  

Sponsorship Fees:


Sponsor the 2020 GATESOL Conference and receive unique advertising opportunity:

Your logo with a link to your website directly from our conference website


FEATURED Banner AD in the Program App. 

Advertising is visible through alternating splash banner ads in every view of the app. Attendees will see advertisements in any screen from the agenda to the breakout sessions!

The earlier you purchase your advertising space, the longer your logo will be accessible by members and attendees for pre-conference planning time.

Have you also considered being an exhibitor in our incredible  virtual exhibitor space? Please contact Sara Seckinger, Exhibitor Liaison at if you have questions.  

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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