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Advertising (2019 38th Annual GATESOL Conference Program Book)

  • 04/14/2019
  • 12/12/2019
  • N/A


  • Link in the app to take attendees to company website.
  • 1. Electronic Logo Signage throughout the venue

    2. Banner splash viewable to attendees throughout the conference in conference app

    3. Link in the app to take attendees to company website.
  • 1. Banner splash viewable to attendees throughout the conference in conference app

    2. Link in the app to take attendees to company website.

Thank you for your Advertising in the 2018 Program Book for the 2018 GATESOL Annual Conference!
Registration is closed

2019 GATESOL Annual Conference

Advocacy, Equity, and Empowerment: Breaking Down Barriers for English Learners

October 26, 2019

J. Alvin Wilbanks Instructional Support Center

Gwinnett County Schools

GATESOL's Conference welcomes diverse people from all over the world!  We believe that your ad will empower our attendees, provide tools to reach their learners, and influence leaders in our communities. 

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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